The decay of the GLONASS launch objects

From: Harro Zimmer (
Date: Sun Dec 02 2001 - 08:56:00 EST

  • Next message: Alan Pickup: "Re: The decay of the GLONASS launch objects"

    Report time 13:00 UTC
    There is as lot of excitement and confusion about the events
    last night (UTC).
    The European observations on Dec 01,22:30 UTC are very likely
    related to the 2001-53 launch (URGAN/GLONASS). Normally the first
    decayer of this mission type is the casing of the Proton DM -
    stage (normally named "Platform" by SPACECOM).At this time I don't
    see any "Platform" registration by SPACECOM, but the decay of the
    of 3. Proton stage, generally the "number 2 on the runway".... I
    think this case is clear. The "European" decayer was the casing.
    2001-053D (#26990) Proton 3. stage.
    SPACECOM'S FINAL REPORT - prepared Dec 02, 04:46 UTC - shows the
    decay on 
       02 December, 04:16 +/- 07 minutes (27.0°N, 254.0°E)
    on a northbound pass over Mexico.Many visual observations
    from Texas shows a little bit later decay.
    What can MPM + REENTRY say about this decay? In general I agree
    with Alans conclusions but I see some small differences in detail.
       02 December, 04:22 +/- 02 minutes (40.82°N, 263.35°E)
    on the same pass over Nebraska.
    With some iterations I constructed the reentry trajectory under
    the assumption that the visual observations confirm the decayers  below
    100 km altitude.
     Time (UTC)       Latitude       Longitude(West) Altitude
     04:14            25.14° N       106.68          86.35
     04:15            28.75°         104.75          82.16
     04:17            32.28          102.68          76.25
     04:18            35.67          100.50          67.56
     04:19            38.68           98.34          53.85 
     04:20            40.50           96.92          34.10
     04:21            40.80           96.66          18.74
     04:22            40.82           96.65          10.00   
    It would very important to see observations from Nebraska....
    Berlin, Germany
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