Yesterday evening I observed PhG under very clear and uniform sky during a 40 deg. pass. My limit magnitude was something between 4 and 5 due to city lights (I didn’t manage to go out of the city). I spotted the spacecraft at 16.53.05 UTC and I followed it with the naked eye until it entered shadow. The spacecraft was easily visible and reached magnitude 1. However brightness was NOT stable but it changed slowly: it exhibited two marked minima during which the spacecraft was almost invisible (I would estimate around mag. 4.5). The first one occurred at 16.53.25 UTC close to Altair, followed by a faint “flare” at mag. 1 (or more bright) at 16.53.45, the second minimum occurred at 16.54.12. (My coordinates were: lat 45.45 deg. lon 8.63 deg). Best Regards, Simone _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list
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